Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Three Things That Important For Me

1. Handphone
At this era, handphone is a "must have" thing for everybody. Not only for adult, children are need this thing too. Everyday we need information and we share information. Now, handphone not only for make a call or SMS. Handphone has been changed to Smartphone. Which is have many function like surfing the internet, video call or messengers function. So, for me handphone is very important.
2. Computer or Laptop
For a college student like me, computer is the other thing that important. Most of college task are using computer. We can use computer with internet connection to search lesson material. Especially, we are at globalization era. Computer skill are standard skill. So to reach your excellent future, We must use this.
3. Motorcycle
The third is motorcycle, we are a dynamic creature. we need to move and always move. So we need transportation tools like motorcyle to reach out far away place. Why i use motorcycle? because i don't have a car. ^^
The conclusion is we need to have MONEY. with money we can get smartphone, laptop or maybe a car. This is only my opinion, if you have another opinion, put at comment box. Thanks.

Selasa, 24 April 2012

If you be the film director, what do you want for the ending of the film?

I think I will do the same with this film director, because the ending was nice, it ends happily. Someone who work hard, will get the success. The Family and Big Mike get their happiness. Happiness is the ending that desired by the viewer/watcher.

Film: The Blind Side. What factor that can inspire me?

In this film we can see love, spirit, passion and friendship, this is social factor. This film tell about raise a street children to "stage of civilization", is not a problem just fill him with a formal education, but this is also the issue of race differences, education, and environment. But “Mother” this film have bones that made from iron and heart from steel. Ridicule, sarcasm, and disparaging attitude around between this “street children” and her, she oppose with dashing. This is very inspire me to help each other.

Film: The Blind Side. Why this film inspire me?

The Blind Side tell about social story. There is a night in Memphis, Tennessee, which flooded by rain, Leigh Anne Tuohy and his family saw a fat young African-American man who down the road. Alone, hungry, and wet. Leigh Anne asks her husband to stop the car and approached the boy. Without thinking, Leigh Anne took the teenager, known as Big Mike, was to take refuge in his house a spacious and luxurious. We then imagine a racist problem, social inequalities, and all the terrible things will happen. But, no. This is not the movie Crash which makes about racism as a major role. It's a story about friendship and Big Mike Leigh Ann. A mother and child. From that short synopsis we can get the point. Don’t be racist, be social, always help others, don’t give up, and many more. This is why I choose this film for this task.

3. Why you work?

3. I work for earn money, to satisfy the living needs.

2. What is the differences among thats three generation?

2. I think the differences of that three generation for example is the kind of work. Baby boomer don’t have enough strength to do a work hard, so they must choose kind of work that don’t need much power and hard to think. X gen maybe need work to use they experience before. So they can get top of they career right now. The last is Y Gen, Y Gen still must choose the best work place, equal they knowledge and skill. If they can get the best work place, more money will they earn.

1. Are you agree if next time the Y Generation will dominate the work society?

1. Yes, I’m agree with that. Y generation will dominate work society in the world, because we all are need money. The best skill you have, more money can you earn.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Make Sentences From Phrase

1. We are singing from the same hymn sheet.

2. We must talk the talk, walk the walk, It mean we must focus to do something.

3. That elephant in the room was sick.

4. The girl is walking pass to the monkey.

5. All hands to the deck, we must stare the future.

Obstacles & Expectations

Maybe the obstacles in study english ist we not have much time to do a dialogue with english. It cause we dont ussually talk in english in our family, in class or when we hang out with friends.

expectation :
my expectation is english teacher can make a good situation when teach english. so it makes student feel happy to learn english.

First Experience With English

My first time dealing with english is when i was in junior high school. I like study english, but i feel english is hard to learn. So I took a course at IEC when I was in third grade junior high school, but i still feel shy to talk wiith english.

After that, I still improve my english my english at senior high school. Because i think english is important to learn. English is global language. It was a valuable skill if you fluent with english. Nowadays I feel more confident to use english although my grammar is not good enough. May be this is just little story from me about first time with english. Just learn, learn and always learn.